Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Pisces Sign Incense and oils:

"You can burn these during your (or your partner’s) Sun Sign month or whenever you need to summon your personal strength or remind yourself of your unique talents."

Pisces sign: Aromas• Chamomile: Represents one’s inner world

• Ylang-Ylang: Represents sensuality

Pisces Pisces Sign Flowers:

"When choosing a flower for a special occasion or simply as a random token of affection (for another or yourself ;-), be sure to take into consideration your recipient’s astrological sign as well as the symbolic energetic meaning behind the essence .

Remember that ‘like spirits’ communicate on levels beyond our reach or immediate comprehension. So an ‘Pisces’ flower might just send a special ‘silent’ message to your Pisces recipient. You’ll never know until you try."

• Water Lily: The Water Lily is a true gem when it comes to helping us flow with the ebbs and flows of life while staying firmly connected to our unique paths.

In addition, this gentle and pure flower has also been known to access the transmuting power of sexual energy and help those in its presence share in sacred sexual union.

The Water Lily’s ability to activate kundalini energy is unmatched by any of its comrades, making it the ideal choice for the poetic, romantic, and spiritual Pisces soul. •

• Other plants that can speak to the Pisces soul: Iris, Camellia, and Jasmine .

Inviting Pisces sign aromas into your life:

"The aromatic fragrances above can be incorporated into the Pisces daily life in a number of different ways." Here are some ideas:

• Burn some Chamomile oil while taking your evening bath to help you reconnect to your deepest, sacred self…

• Sprinkle a few droplets of Ylang-Ylang oil near your bed if you desire a night of sensual bliss...

• Use Chamomile soap to calm your emotions and listen to the inner world that lives within your heart, body, and soul...

• Place a few Water Lilies in a glass vase next to your bed at night and feel the acceptance and courage needed to continue on your own unique and individual spiritual journey...

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